I know I am horrible about updating but I have to put some cute pics of my little man on here! He is 5 months old and so much fun!!! He is Eating mush and fruits and veggies. He is a good little sleeper he sleeps about 8 to 7:30. He rolls from his back to his belly makes the cutest noises and makes are family so happy!!!

Too Cool!
Sad boy wants his green beans!!!

Happy Boy has his green beans!!!

His first haircut! He was such a good boy!

Such a stud with his new cut!

First Taste of much yum!!!!

Blessing day He was such a good boy he held in his cry until Ty was done with the blessing then he let out a big cry it was so cute!

5 generations
Such a cute little guy! He is getting so big. Thanks for the update.
Yay Meg, you did it! Your blog looks so cute! I love all the pictures of Po po!
Oh Megs I love him! We need to do lunch...I miss you:)
OH that pic of him at the top is so cute! What a handsome boy in his shirt and tie!
I loved how he cried right after the blessing. It was the cutest thing!
And a guys generation picture! I love it! Don't usually see that. Girls are always doing those pictures.
Thanks again for the meal! And for stopping by the other day. Your dishes will be coming soon!!!
Love ya sweetie!
He's adorable Meg! I love all of the pictures. What a cutie.
Megs I love Porter! He is so cute and I love the pic at the top. He sure is one handsome little man. Sorry we missed his blessing. Wish we could have been there.
I love those before and after pictures of the green beans, mad and hungry-full and happy. He is so cute. I need to see him in person. I bet he is growing so fast. I hope you're doing good. I never get to see you anymore. Hopefully I'll see you soon.
I told Kami I will have her over to teach her how to coupon. So when she hits me up about it, I'll have you over too!!
I can't believe you remembered that about me as a baby with my big belly, being in yellow and everything!!!! True Best Friends!!
I didn't even think of it. I really will have to pull out that pic!
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